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Not to sure what to get your loved one’s this Valentines day? Cire Trvdon’s poetic candle scent descriptions are sure to set a flame to anyone’s heart.


I absolutely fell in love with the creative writing they used to describe their scents and the visual imagery it creates.  Reading them can leave anyone entertained in a dreamland full of descriptive words and inspirations, teasing all the five senses.  Here are just a few examples:


Trianon: The picking of jacinth, roses, white flowers, wild herbs from the meadows and graminaceous plants, this bunch of flowers reminds us of an ideal nature, that of the Nouvelle Héloïse and the country life dreams of Marie Antoinette. Vibrating with the memory of a summer evening and the warm scent of musk of torches, this candle is a homage to the Queen of taste who inspired so many candles to Maison de Cire Trudon.

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Abd El Kader: A wind of freedom coming all at once from the Mascara coast and down from the mountains bringing in its foolish race the green scents of fresh mint, the rashness of fights, the hot and peppered air of ginger and the perfume of tea and tobacco from the Ouled Nail tribe…

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Mademoiselle de la Valliere: Secret powers of a naked flower for the love of Louis the XIV, Mademoiselle de La Vallière enveloped herself in the sweet and shattering intensity of tuberoses. Damp fragrance of an intoxicating love: from the King’s bedroom to her convent, Louise de la Vallière personified this deeply sensual flower, which plump and overwhelming aromas are that of true, blinding, almost spiritual love.


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